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Gratitude Journaling: The Power of Three

Depending on the lens through which you see the world, life can sometimes feel overwhelming. Especially lately, as COVID-19 continues to impact our daily norms, most of us are experiencing a wide range of emotional responses to it. Because of these new and unique challenges, it may be quite easy to point out things you are unhappy with. Most of us don’t want to feel this way, but we sometimes think, “I can’t help it.” The good news is, you can! While you can’t fix all of the problems of the world, you absolutely can shift how you see it and how you feel. Believe it or not, all it takes is a very simple 3-minute practice each day: Gratitude Journaling.

You may be wondering if the simple act of expressing gratitude can really make much of a difference. It sounds too good to be true, right? You’ll be pleased to learn that gratitude is not only believed to be life-changing – evidence of its health benefits are even backed by science! Let’s discuss what Gratitude Journaling is, the “Power of Three,” and the many ways this simple practice can change the way you see the world.

What Is Gratitude Journaling?

Gratitude Journaling is simply the practice of writing down things you are grateful for. For some, the idea of taking the time to physically write these things down seems tedious. However, this practice can be highly effective if you make it a habit. At the end of each day, take three short minutes before bed and jot down three things you are grateful for. This is completely subjective, so anything from the weather to your favorite song playing on the radio – and everything in between – can suffice. Simply take the time to find the good in each day, and write it down.

In order to reap the maximum benefits of this practice, it is best to make Gratitude Journaling a part of your daily routine for three months. Over time, this habit can alter the way you see the world, improve the way you feel about yourself and your life, and positively impact your overall mental health. Here are just a few reasons you may want to give Gratitude Journaling a try:

  • It’s incredibly easy- If you are seeking ways to boost your overall mood, this is one of the easiest things to try. Most people have a pen and notebook at home, so it’s virtually free, and it takes minimal effort to get started. It also requires a very small time commitment. Plus, gratitude itself is completely free. It is simply an intentional redirection of your thoughts.
  • It can give you hope– Gratitude Journaling does something for you that few other things can do: It takes the good things in your life, and it gives them the spotlight for a moment. It is not only beneficial for you to think about the many things you are grateful for, but it can be eye-opening to go back and read the many things you may have unconsciously been overlooking. Over time, a Gratitude Journal becomes a compilation of the beautiful things in your life that you can go back and appreciate many times.
  • It makes you look for things to appreciate– Some days, it may be easy to list three things you’re grateful for; other days, it may be a struggle. Engaging in this practice every single day will help you notice good things in each day because they are definitely there. Sometimes, you may be thankful for big things, like having a steady job or the roof over your head. Other days, you may feel grateful for a flower blooming outside of your window or a cuddle from your pet. Over time, you will not only find more to be grateful for, you may even find yourself thinking, “This is something I can’t wait to put in my Gratitude Journal tonight!”
  • It reframes how you see your day– Reflecting upon the day and intentionally looking for things to appreciate can leave you feeling happier about the day in general. Noticing and focusing on the good can leave you feeling good, and we can all use more of that.
  • It can help you sleep better– When you end the day “counting your blessings” so to speak, you can’t help but feel happy. For some, falling asleep can be difficult, because it is in those quiet moments that the worries of the day flood in and take over. Instead, direct your thoughts toward true appreciation, and you will ease your mind into a restful sleep much faster.
  • It genuinely makes you feel happy– In our daily routines, we can’t help but get used to our surroundings, our loved ones, and our material possessions. We don’t mean to overlook these things, we just settle into a routine and it happens. This exercise reminds us of everything we have, all that we love, and the many reasons we have to be happy. Consequently, we feel happy.

The Power of Three

There is power and strength in the number three. Maybe it’s because the triangle is known as the “strongest shape,” or perhaps it is special because it is considered the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding. There is power in this number, and it’s pure simplicity. For three months, if you take three minutes and write down three things you are grateful for, you can truly change the way you see the world. You can boost your self-esteem, feel greater life satisfaction, and improve your everyday disposition. There may be no better way to use three minutes at the end of your day than to improve your overall happiness.

Pharmstrong™- Supporting Optimal Wellness

At Pharmstrong™, we have a lot to be thankful for. As one of the nation’s leading CBD brands, we take pride in our influential role in the health product industry. We are dedicated to promoting balance and optimal wellness in every form – mind, and body. We have learned the power of daily appreciation, and in the spirit of Gratitude Journaling, here are three things we are presently grateful for:

  • The health and well-being of our loved ones
  • The ability to safely deliver our organic, Pure + Potent CBD products to our family of customers
  • The beautiful sense of community that emerges in times of struggle

No matter what is going on in the world, we will continue to produce the highest quality, broad-spectrum, Verified Pure Premium Grade™ CBD products to help you feel your best. Known for promoting true emotional harmony and balance, CBD is an ideal, all-natural product to support you during these uniquely challenging times. We offer tried and true CBD favorites, luxury skincare items, and CBD Kits that contain two or more beneficial CBD products (plus free shipping)! We also offer unmatched customer support, and we’re ready and willing to answer any questions you may have about our products or CBD in general.

In uncertain times, one thing will constantly remain: There is always something to be grateful for. Look for it, write it down, and let it remind you of the beauty and goodness in this world. When you need extra support, turn back to page one of your Gratitude Journal and let it help illuminate your day.

As CEO of Pharmstrong, I’m proud to lead a team dedicated to excellence in the CBD industry since its inception in 2018. Our USDA Organic CBD has helped thousands feel healthier and happier. Whether managing stress, improving sleep, staying active, or enhancing your overall health, we’ve got you covered. Explore more at Pharmstrong; we’re here for you every step of the way.

Melissa Dugan

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