federal law

How Does Current Federal Law Affect My Use of CBD?

Seemingly mirroring the rapid pace in which CBD products are hitting the shelves and making news, the numerous misnomers about its legality can be found all over the internet. It is surprisingly easy to do a web search and read conflicting information about CBD, and it is reasonable for an average consumer to get frustrated when they have a simple question and they just want a straightforward answer – but are forced to sift through long-winded articles, only to feel more confused than when they began. Your time is far too valuable to waste, so here is everything you need to know about how the current federal law impacts your use of CBD.

A No-Frills CBD Q&A

Q: Is CBD legal across the United States?
A: The uncomplicated answer is: Yes, all hemp-derived CBD is legal in the United States if it has less than .3% THC.

For those who may be curious as to why this can get so confusing online, here is a quick rundown. Notice that it is hemp-derived CBD that is legal.

The takeaway: When shopping for a CBD product, whether in stores or online, be sure to select a reputable company who is transparent about where their CBD comes from, as well as their full production process. Make sure the products are hemp-derived, THC free and you are already on track to select products which are legal in all 50 states.

Q: What does the Federal Law actually say?
A: The uncomplicated answer is: For consumers – you can now purchase and use hemp-derived CBD products legally, as they should contain .3% THC or less, eliminating psychoactive effects and side effects in general.

The Farm Bill of 2018 is the key resource here. Long story short, it allows for the legal production of hemp as an agricultural commodity; meaning, as long as the plant naturally contains .3% THC or less, it can be grown, produced, and sold in various forms. With the passing of this bill, the federal law gave farmers and businesses the ability to expand, and the demand for CBD products has skyrocketed as a result.

The takeaway: As long as your CBD product contains .3% THC or less (as it should if it’s extracted from hemp), you and your products are complying with the law, and you are free to enjoy the many benefits of CBD without worry.

Q: Can I travel with CBD?
A: The uncomplicated answer is: Yes, you can travel with your CBD products.

Now that you know the basics of the federal law, all you need to do is purchase products that comply with federal regulations, like all the PharmstrongTM products, and you are absolutely free to travel across the United States. Because hemp-derived CBD is not considered a controlled substance (another byproduct of the 2018 Farm Bill), your favorite daily CBD supplements are not at risk of violating the law.

The biggest emphasis, however, is that your products must contain .3% THC or less. That’s the nonnegotiable and what makes your products comply with the regulation. Don’t take a gamble on just any CBD product. Only purchase products from reputable companies who conduct third-party lab testing, and subsequently make those lab results available to you. That is the only way to be sure of what’s really in your product, and it ensures your safety in many regards.

The takeaway: Again, as long as your CBD product contains .3% THC or less, like all the PharmstrongTM products, you can fly, drive, or bike your way to your next adventure. There are enough factors to consider when traveling – bringing your dependable CBD products with you shouldn’t be one of them.

How to Choose a Trustworthy CBD Company

Now that we have simplified the previously complicated topic of the Federal Law as it pertains to CBD, the most obvious “next step” is to find a CBD company you can actually trust so you don’t have to do excessive detective work every time a new product sparks your interest. By choosing a company with an excellent reputation, transparency in their process, and third-party lab testing as a standard practice, you can take the guesswork out of the legality of your products and focus on your personal health and wellness journey.

Ideally, your CBD provider should candidly share with customers their:

  1. Farming process
  2. Harvesting process
  3. Extraction and purification process
  4. Third-party lab tests
  5. Scientific or proprietary processes that elevates their product quality over peer companies

While some of these are “nice to know” tidbits, many of them are vital to knowing what is inside of the products you are consuming. Legally, it’s imperative to select only hemp-derived CBD, so learning about the farming process can provide customers with that information.

Most importantly, third-party lab tests are essential, and truly an industry standard, separating trustworthy companies from questionable ones. No matter what a website or bottle says, that third-party lab report is essentially a fact-checker, providing customers with proof that their product contains .3% THC or less. The lab reports can also inform consumers about the presence of metals, solvents, pesticides, and other unwanted compounds, revealing the purity of each product.

Peerless, trustworthy CBD companies such as Pharmstrong™ acquire their distinct reputation for high-quality CBD by continually demonstrating their commitment to crafting only the best, Pure + Potent CBD products on the market. They utilize a scientifically advanced process to ensure maximum bioavailability of their products, test their products using a third-party lab (and sharing those results), and only sell products that are Verified Pure Premium Grade™. This family-owned, Colorado-based CBD company meets every one of the above “ideal criteria” for a trustworthy company, and they pride themselves on formulating the most superior products at reasonable prices, while ensuring every single product complies with the law and puts customers’ minds at ease. Whether or not you choose from one of the many exceptional CBD products offered by Pharmstrong™, it is of utmost importance that you ensure your CBD complies with federal regulations, and you can use your hemp-derived CBD products freely and without fear of violating federal laws.

As CEO of Pharmstrong, I’m proud to lead a team dedicated to excellence in the CBD industry since its inception in 2018. Our USDA Organic CBD has helped thousands feel healthier and happier. Whether managing stress, improving sleep, staying active, or enhancing your overall health, we’ve got you covered. Explore more at Pharmstrong; we’re here for you every step of the way.

Melissa Dugan

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